Apply for a Pre-School Scholarship!

Mail your scholarship application and proof of income to:
Great Start COP
Scholarship Committee
6065 Learning Lane
Indian River, MI 49749
We are priviledged to offer these scholarships due to the donations and support by the Rand Corporation Carmeuse and the Lampert Family Fund of the Otsego Community Foundation
The scholarship application period now OPEN for the 2024-2025 School Year!
We encourage anyone to enroll, however, as always, no scholarship is guaranteed. Furthermore, every family should have a "back up plan" in the event that scholarship funding is not awarded. Please read in detail this letter regarding scholarship applications.
Because the Great Start Collaborative understands the importance of a quality early education, we want to help ensure as many children as possible have an equal opportunity to attend preschool! With the assistance of community grants, we are able to offer families such as yours, financial assistance to send your child to preschool!
Scholarships are made possible with the generous donations from a wide variety of community organizations and private donors.
Families must meet eligibility guidelines such as:
· Income guidelines
· Age of child (child must be between the ages of 3-5
· Parents must participate in events of the Great Start Parent Coalition
Please download and print the scholarship application and the Family Agreement, and please include proof of income with the application that you return to us. Any incomplete applications or submitted applications without proof of income will be rejected. Because scholarship funds are limited, scholarships will be awarded according to need.